Get Inspired!
Are you planning an activity for 'Night of Darkness' or want to learn more about what you can do in your community to raise awareness of light pollution? Here is some inspiration!
  • Tip No 1. Combine different activities
    By offering a diverse range of activities, you can engage a wider audience. Individuals drawn to specific themes, such as the preservation of nocturnal wildlife, may find themselves unexpectedly captivated by other elements they wouldn't typically explore – like stargazing.

    Opt for straightforward and accessible activities to appeal to a broad spectrum of residents. Additionally, consider offering slightly more in-depth options for those with a keen interest. Don't forget to include activities tailored for children and young people, such as drawing sessions or interactive tours, to ensure inclusivity and engagement across all age groups.
  • Tip No 2. Collaborate with others
    By teaming up with various partners, each bringing their unique expertise and resources to the table, we can achieve so much more. Partnering allows us to distribute the organizational responsibilities effectively, ensuring a seamless and successful event.

    Not only does collaboration enable us to reach a broader audience of residents, but it also enables us to offer a diverse array of activities. From stargazing sessions facilitated by astronomy organizations to nature walks led by local conservation groups like Natuurpunt, the possibilities are endless.

    We also encourage partnerships with schools, libraries, and municipal bodies, as they play crucial roles in engaging and mobilizing the community. Together, we can create an enriching and inclusive experience that celebrates our shared love for the night sky and nature.
  • Tip No 3. Follow step-by-step plan
    To ensure a smooth and successful event, meticulous planning and preparation are essential. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

    • Reach Out to Local Organizations: Collaborate with other organizations in your municipality to expand your reach and enhance the diversity of activities offered. Consider partnering with environmental groups, astronomy societies, and educational institutions to create a comprehensive programme.
    • Contact Relevant Authorities: Get in touch with the environmental department of your municipal council to seek guidance and permissions, especially regarding lighting and security regulations. Additionally, liaise with local police services to address any safety concerns and ensure a secure environment for participants.
    • Register Your Event: Don't forget to register your event with the events desk of your municipality. This ensures that your event is officially recognized and can receive the necessary support and resources.
    • Advertise Your Event: Spread the word about your event by promoting it through various channels, including social media, community newsletters, and local websites. Consider listing your activity on popular local event platforms like UITinvlaanderen to reach a wider audience.
    By following these steps and staying organised, you'll be well-equipped to host a memorable and impactful Night of Darkness event in your community. Let's work together to make a difference and raise awareness about the importance of preserving our dark skies!
A Look Back at a Past Night of Darkness Event
Location: Municipal Primary School De Stip, Martelarenplaats 1, Linden, 3210 Lubbeek

Led by expert guides equipped with GPS devices, participants embarked on a captivating journey to explore the nocturnal world. From tracking the movements of mice, bats, and other nighttime creatures to setting up an impressive array of 50 life traps, the event was a fascinating exploration of the wilderness after dark.

As participants delved deeper into the mysteries of the night, they were treated to the enchanting sounds of bats echoing through the forest, with the possibility of catching a glimpse of the elusive tawny owl.

To enhance the experience, complimentary night vision goggles were provided, allowing hikers to see the nocturnal landscape in a whole new light.

This incredible event was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Natuurpunt Lubbeek, working in partnership with the Municipality of Lubbeek, Galileo Training Center vzw, Optiek Mertens / Waypoint, Agency for Nature and Forests (ANB), Pasar, Pasar GPS Club Leuven, and SukréeSalée.

Participation was open to all, with voluntary contributions warmly welcomed in support of Lubbeek Nature.

Credits: (Bron: Cosmodrome, Genk / Met dank aan Eric Grosemans)
Looking for Video Evidence to Support Your Initiative? See below for some nice examples!
One Sky Project (Full film)
This is the fulldome feature version of the One Sky Project short films. Each short film represents the perspective of a different culture or Indigenous society from around the globe. Each film stands alone as a short story or in combination as a longer narrative – organized around themes of "Finding Patterns" and developing tools, or as we say, "To Seek Far."

Credit: One Sky Project/SG360/TMT/‘Imiloa/CalAcademy/NSF's NOIRLab
Saving the Dark | Documentary | Light Pollution
80% of the world’s population live under light polluted skies. What do we lose when we lose sight of the stars? Excessive and improper lighting robs us of our night skies, disrupts our sleep patterns and endangers nocturnal habitats. Saving the Dark explores the need to preserve night skies and what we can do to combat light pollution.

Credit: San Jose Astronomical Association in association with the International Dark-Sky Association.
Do people even care about Light Pollution?
In celebration of International Dark-sky Week 2022, Trevor Jones (AstroBackyard) shows some common examples of poor urban lighting choices in the city and explains the problem of light pollution.

Credit: Trevor Jones (AstroBackyard)
New LED lights may be causing more light pollution, washing out our view of the stars
The national push for more efficient lighting is driven by a quest for energy efficiency. But there’s an unintended consequence: light pollution. Experts say the amount of wasted light in the sky is on pace to double every eight years. CBS News environmental correspondent David Schechter reports.

Credits: CBS News
More inspiring resources
Dive into additional resources, including videos and articles, to further illuminate the issue of light pollution and its impact on our community. Explore compelling content that sheds light on the importance of preserving our dark skies and safeguarding the beauty of the night.
Life on Earth evolved 3.6 billion years ago, and in the last 200 years we've introduced light into an environment that should be dark. This has major biological implications, and it's up to us to make a difference.
People believe that street lights reduce the number of road accidents and crime. But is that really so? Seeing is believing!
This short film, shot mainly in California by Sriram Murali, goes through all the levels of the scale, showing how the view of the cosmos gets better in less light-polluted areas.
The Loss of the Night Network and DarkSky International maintain a comprehensive, searchable database of scientific publications on artificial light at night (ALAN).
The Map provides an overview of areas where maintaining or providing darkness for plants and animals is important. The darker the area on the map, the more important it is to keep it dark. Various map layers were integrated to create the darkness requirement map.
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